Prayer times
Prayer times Shabbat Parsha’at Ki Tetzei
Candle lighting at 6:12 PM, Mincha is at 6:32 PM.
Schachrit is at 8:15 AM. Rav Ote will speak before musaf.
(Nediv minyan meets in Zaretzky Hall at 9:00 AM)
The Young Families Division invites children of the community between the ages of 2-6 to…..
"Minyan of the Sweets"
Prayer, stories, adon olam choir, and sweets.
Shabbat morning at 09:45 in the Rav’s study.
Children between the ages of 7-13 are invited to a special davening and fun parsha quiz (and prizes) with Rabbanit Atira Ote Shabbat morning at 09:15
After musaf the congregation is invited to kiddush on the terrace
Mid-Month English Shiur
After kiddush at 10:45
Rabbanit Jennifer Raskas
Lecturer at Midreshet Lindenbaum and
Former Director of the Shalom Hartman Institute in Washington
will speak on: “The Journey from Rosh Hashana (Din) to Yom Kippur (Rachamim): Enlightened through Matan Torah, Second Chances, and the Growth Mindset”
Mincha will be at 6:22 PM.
After Mincha a lecture by Eliezer Yeselzon: "The Oral Law of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai"
Arvit at 7:16 PM, Shabbat ends at 7:23 PM
Days of the week:
Shacharit is at 6:15 AM on Sunday,Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday,
and at 6:05 AM on Monday and Thursday.
Mincha, D’var Torah & Arvit Daily at 7:40 PM (Upstairs except on Mondays when the minyan is downstairs in Zaretzky Hall).